Single in Quarantine - How To Survive The Pandemic Alone

As we all hunker down and quarantine to flatten the curve of the coronavirus spread, it’s all over the news and social media: “Just relax on your couch with your family and enjoy this time together.” But what if it’s just you, a bottle of wine, and a dog that’s not the best at conversation? As articles and news stories come out about home schooling your kids, games to play with your family, and the best ways to connect with your spouse, there’s not a lot of options for us singles out here.

In a world of dating apps and swiping left and right, the goal has always been the same; to ACTUALLY meet and connect with someone. And if not a relationship, going out with friends and networking at work events is all we have when it comes to socializing.

Women Selfie on the Beach

Now don’t get me wrong, my introvert side LOVES to stay in with my dog and hibernate. In fact, working from home, I sometimes go days without talking to others and don’t really miss it. But now, having social interaction completely taken off the table, what is one to do? And what if this quarantine goes on and on? Do we just like…die alone?

Ok, so obviously that was a bit dramatic, but it is a tough time for those of us that live alone to be socially distant. And then there’s the mental health aspect. I worry for the lonely that isolation may (and probably will) have a negative effect on the ‘ol psyche. But there are some things we can do to help us feel connected to others even from the comfort of our own couch.


Thank goodness we live in a world of technology and social media. I have been amazed at how many other solo peeps I have that have started reaching out, commenting, and messaging during this time. We’re all in this crazy thing together and the same way we’re quarantining to take care of our fellow humans, we can come together and take care of each other by connecting as well. Use this time to do more than just double tap a photo on instagram, comment and let the person know WHY you loved that photo! Try going live on social media and have conversations with people in real time. Message the people you admire, reconnect with old friends, and share all the funny memes!


I fully admit I’m the WORST at this in general so what better time to connect with family and friends than now, via technology? Set coffee dates, plan girls nights, even have work networking events all from the safety of your quarantine zone. Isolation doesn’t have to mean being all alone.


This is a great time to look at our lives without dating and actually do the work! It’s so easy to get distracted in a world where dating options are everywhere (I’m not saying they’re all great, but the apps have definitely given us the options). But this is a good time to learn to love who we are as individuals and build ourselves up a bit. Try journaling about the thoughts that come up in your solitude and maybe even give yourself a few pep talks. Just think, instead of another 6 months of bad dates and bad decisions, you could come out of this pandemic a better and more whole person who’s actually ready to meet someone great!


This is an awesome time to pick up a new skill or enjoy some of those hobbies you haven’t pursued in years. That closet full of weird crafts or projects you started and never finished, now’s the time! Pick up the guitar you bought with the intention of playing and ACTUALLY play it (thank goodness for YouTube tutorials)! Even something as simple as blasting the music and having a dance party can pull you out of that single life slump.

Woman Playing Guitar


This is more for the people who had those one or two great dates with someone and then was forced to go into lockdown. What if you actually called each other? Can you imagine sending a letter to someone. This is the time to really get to know the person without the bar atmosphere and 4 martinis. You’ll find out REAL quick if this is someone you want to continue to pursue post-pandemic.


While I’m not advocating for going out with people, traveling, or even going to parks that are closed, I am saying we all need to get some sun too. Get out and go for a walk or take a hike on a nearby trail. Getting your body moving and a little Vitamin D will help boost your mood and it’s a good reminder that the world is still a beautiful place and it will be there after all of this.

Monica Goes Hiking with Millie on Trail

These are odd times for sure and we’re all trying to figure out our new “normal”. Sheltering and staying in place is what’s best for our world and the future we want to create for one another. Let’s keep that glass half full and try to see the best in this situation. We’ll all get through this together (but like with 6-8 ft. between us).

I’d love to hear what you’re doing to connect in isolation! Leave me a comment.


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